Increase Phpmyadmin Import File Size Limit In Xampp

How To Increase phpMyAdmin Import File Size Limit In Xampp?

increase phpmyadmin import file size limit in xampp

When you install WordPress on Xampp server. You would get the maximum limit of 2MB to upload the database.

To use the bigger database, you have to increase phpMyAdmin import file size limit in Xampp. You can increase it to 50MB, 100MB, and more.

It’s necessary because when you run an online website then the size of the database increases day by day. And if you want to use that online website on the local server then it’s important to have the bigger size support in the phpMyAdmin panel.

Let Me Show You How Can You Increase phpMyAdmin Import File Size Limit In Xampp.

There is nothing much to do. You just have to increase the import limit using the numbers. Let me show the recommended steps.

Step 1:- If you are a Windows user then open the drive in which you have installed the operating system. Most probably it’s the “C” drive.

Step 2:- Search for the Xampp folder and open it. You have to find a special file which controls the file import size.

Step 3:- Find the “php.ini” file in the Xampp folder and right-click on that file to edit. If you find the file with the same name then it’s great. But if don’t then the file with the name “PHP” would work. You have to check if it’s the same file by opening it.

phpmyadmin database size limit

Step 4:- In this file, you have to find the code.


If you have already increased the limit then it won’t be 2M. But generally, it is 2M when you install the Xampp server on your computer. Replace that code with the increased value.


Step 5:- There is another code which is important to edit.


Just replace the code with after increasing the value from 8M to 100M.


If you want to move a bigger website with the bigger database in the size then you can increase the value to 512M for both of the codes.

Can You Now Increase phpMyAdmin Import File Size Limit In Xampp?

I have provided the solution. The only thing is to find the “php.ini” file in the Xampp folder. You can search the file and then edit it.

If you are not sure about the file then open that file and you would find out the php.ini file. As I have mentioned above, you can increase phpMyAdmin import file size limit in Xampp according to the size of your database.

After that, you would be able to import the database even of the bigger sizes.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    This is another great tutorial series of yours. It is important for every WordPress users to know this. While installing large themes and plugins, it often fails to get uploaded with the error, file exceeds the upload limit.

    This is really simple one from many ways yet very useful and sweet….

    Thanks for the continuous series of Tutorial….


    1. Hey Ugyen,

      It’s for the local server. When you install your online website on the localhost then you would in need to increase the upload limit. It’s because your database would be of bigger size.

      Xampp is the software to create the local server and you can use it for the testing purpose.

      Glad to have you here.


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